Our House system runs side by side with our Pastoral system and it aims to promote a greater sense of community within our school. It is also drives healthy competition among students with achievement points being awarded for a variety of good work, excellent participation in extra- curricular activities as well as in regular House Competitions.

Our Houses are named for four women in the bible who extolled many of the qualities we teach our students.  All four women were wise, courageous, faithful and leaders in their time.  They faced many obstacles simply by being women but did not give up or give in.

Each form is named after a House.  Each House elects a House Captain from Year 11 and Vice House Captain from Year 10.  These roles play important parts in the House Committees which consist of Form Captains and Vice Form Captains.  Each House Committee has 12 student members and a House Leader.  The House Committee meets regularly to oversee House Events and encourage community building within each House; as well as writing and presenting the Termly House Assembly.

Our current house champions are ESTHER

Our four houses are: